This project praises the continuity of a course given by
Professor Roberto Gargiani, on Italian radical architecture from
Archizoom and Superstudio to the new Koolhaassian paradigm of
1981 at the Venice Biennale. Notably in the Koolhasian lexicon
of courses, which for me praise post structuralism or French
Theory, notably in Artaud’s «faim», and «junkspace», or Coney
Island’s «Omno», smooth space and Deleuzian desiring machine.
This project was for me the liberation of architectural codes by
a formal architectural radicality, creating an «Omno», a
platform where desiring singularities produce life. My work,
other than theoretical, was that of a graphic designer, notably
thanks to my potential for creation through paranoia-criticism
and the productivity and mastery of computer graphics and
architectural drawing.